Which Type Of Pest Control Is The Best?

Pest issues are ubiquitous and cannot be prevented completely. Pests eventually invade the cleanest of properties in their quest for food, water, and shelter. Pests like termites, ants, bed bugs, worms, fleas, possums, and rodents can crop up from anywhere on your property to colonize it. Small cracks, crevices, and gaps in the walls, roofs, and flooring are sufficient for them to enter any property. Some pests like cockroaches and rodents travel through drains, chimneys, and plumbing thus becoming transmitters of disease-causing germs and bacteria.

Thankfully, there are better and superior pest control methods and techniques evolving today that help humans in getting much-needed respite from pests and insects entering residential and commercial properties. Pest control Melbourne companies these days have a variety of options for managing pest infestations and incidents of pests. However, deciding on one or a combination of multiples is based on a number of factors including the type of pest to be dealt with and the magnitude of the infestation:

1. Physical Pest Control

Pest proofing and the use of certain equipment for attaining the same is part of physical pest control. Installing barriers can be useful in deterring and disabling pests from entering your property. One can also opt for the usage of laser beams to annoy and create panic amongst pest birds, driving them out to look out for some other better and untouched premises.

Traps and bait stations are also among the prevalent physical pest control methods. Traps, however, are a beneficial technique only for the removal of small pests like rodents and creepy crawlies. If you endeavor to use traps for pest control efficiently, then you may have to monitor them frequently and empty their contents accordingly for disposing of the trapped pests.

Pests can also be controlled by directing extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. At specific temperatures, heat treatment, for instance, is beneficial in killing pests in their eggs, and larvae stage.

2. Chemical Pest Control

These are among the most commonly used pest control techniques which involve the application of insecticides and pesticides. It is possible to get quick and effective results with these chemicals. However, if the chemicals used are mixed and applied in the wrong quantity and pattern that could actually strengthen and immunize the pests which may backfire the original motive. Hence, it is essential that one consults a certified and qualified pest controller for the job.

Chemical methods are reliable and highly beneficial for handling a large pest population. Poisonous baits laced in gels or pellets work when the pest consumes it and also spreads the poison in the colony and places infested by their population. Insecticides are substances are designed to particularly focus on eliminating insects. They are available in sprays and granules and should be used with caution.

3. Biological Pest Control

Biological pest management is the most environmentally safe option available because it does not include the use of any chemical additives or the extermination or eradication of pests by individuals. Dogs, cats, parasites, and plant pathogens are some agents introduced in the pest-infested environment whilst usage of this method. This method of pest control when used once need not necessarily be carried out repeatedly because it has a high efficacy. Biological pest control entails the introduction of a predator for controlling the pest population.

4. Electronic Pest Control

Modern technological advancements have bought in innovative substitutes that help humans in handling the pest problems in a better way. This technique entails the placement of certain electromagnetic gadgets that are meant to scare off certain pests. Likewise, placing electronic predatory decoys that keep whirring and buzzing are used to scare off birds, and other pests. These devices also used give out high-frequency sound waves that are useful for scaring and keeping pests off of your property.

Listed ahead were all the prevalent pest control techniques and methods. It is best to consult an experienced and accredited pest controller for handling a pest infestation on your property. Opting for professional support from the best pest control Melbourne companies can be more helpful in protecting your surroundings from the dangers of pest infestations as professional pest controllers have a better understanding of chemical usage and other techniques wherever necessary.