Should I Destroy A Wasp Nest?

Though most of us consider ants, cockroaches, and occasionally rats as the main pests infesting our homes, wasps are also a common menace that springs a frightful surprise by building their nests around human properties. Many of us would consider ringing in Wasp nest removal Melbourne service experts in confusion and fearing being stung, it’s best to take things easy before doing anything in haste or out of panic. You would think to remove the wasps you would first have to remove their nest. This is not so. You can apply any method on the wasps but that doesn’t mean you need to remove the nest. Removing the nest first on the contrary can be more dangerous.

Treating Through Professional Services

To treat wasps effectively, you should consider Wasp nest removal Melbourne service professionals. They are technically skilled and have the required experience to carry out the process. After the application of the treatment, do not try to remove the nest or the treatment will fail. Worker wasps return and rebuild nests causing problems if you attempt to remove a nest after treatment.

Why You Should Not Remove Wasp Nest?

It may appear practical to remove the wasp nest after treatment is done and the wasp colony has been removed. However removing the nest is not really necessary. These nests cannot be reused. Every year the queen builds her own nest and they will not reuse another nest. It is not likely for another colony to move into the already existing nest.

Normally there is no odor from wasp nests nor do they rot. Very rarely a smell might emanate from the treated nest which happens if the nest was treated towards the end of summer and also has drone grubs and the queen. This is uncommon though. The grubs are larger in size than worker grubs and so there might be more bodies.

 So What If You Still Want To Get Rid Of the Nest After Treatment?

Firstly do not try to remove or treat a nest of wasps on your own. Yes, you have read up on a few wasp nest removal tips and treatment products from the internet and feel you can do it. These might appear easy and cheap too but know that these are not at all effective and quite unsafe!

Wasps are aggressive and quite territorial. They will inflict painful stings if they think their nest is being attacked and will signal for backup from the rest of their colony as a protective measure for themselves and their nest. These stings can be fatal and pets and children can develop allergies from them.

Wasp nest removal Melbourne service providers do not remove nests after the treatment is done. At a much later time, they can come back at an extra fee to remove the wasp nest. A rest period of at least one month is recommended for the nest to be left as it is before any attempt is made to remove it. It should not be removed till all the wasps have returned infected by insecticide and have been killed or died.

Why do Wasps Need To Be Controlled?

They might not be causing severe health issues to us humans but since they fly over and haunt unhygienic places seeking food, they carry many germs and pathogens on their fur. The reason for being on guard and being alert is that if wasps feel disturbed or threatened they attack with full aggression resulting in very painful stings that can get fatal. They also can sting multiple times, unlike bees.

Some General Info about Wasps

These social insects live in colonies inside their nests that are made from wood pulp. The nest areas inside buildings are airbricks, wall cavities, and roof gaps. Externally they build nests also around and under garden sheds, hedges, tree holes

In spring nest building begins when queen wasps become active from hibernation and seek new sites to expand colonies. From a single property 1 or 2 queens emerge and each work independently to seek their own sites for nesting. Firstly, knowing the seasons of their activity makes you alert to the presence of their colonies around your homes allowing you to take some measures like calling in professionals. By winter the workers and resident queen perish. The nest gets empty and is never used again. It can very well be left alone as it will not create any problems. Once their complete activity has stopped, then only it may be removed.

Lastly think and ponder if removing the wasp nest is absolutely necessary. If you need to destroy it what exactly is it causing you? Is it a huge problem? Could you not try letting it alone? Wasps are useful too as they help pollinate of flowers in your garden and also keep other garden pests under control. The nest if left alone will die off under natural conditions.