Our Experts Will Assist You in Your Possum Removal Endeavour

Possums in Australia are protected wildlife as we are endeavouring, through our control and treatment strategies, to move them. Being one of the main extermination firms in Kangaroo Flat, we are dedicated that all treatment and removal administrations are performed with sincere affectability and determination to ensure that no harm should be possible to people and possums alike.

When your appointment is set, we will be at your premises within one hour to do a top to bottom inspection in the field where the possums live.

We will at that point complete our treatments for removal procedures to catch and secure possum. We move them to an undeniably more steady and species-accommodating territory that simultaneously doesn't disturb Kangaroo Flat occupants.

Related Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1 What steps can be taken to prevent a possum from entering? -

Ans. The easiest approach to prevent possums from visiting you if you are aware of their presence in your area is to cover trash cans, refrain from putting pet food or leftovers from a barbecue unattended overnight, and pick any fallen fruit.

Q 2 What Should I Do If an possum Enters My Home? +

Ans. Close all entryways except for the exit door. The mere fact that you are there should be enough to convince the animal to use the provided escape path. Meanwhile, contact our possum removal Kangaroo Flat expert to handle it for you.

Q 3 What harm a possum might cause to my roof? +

Ans. Possums will pee through your roof, producing yellow streaks on your walls or ceiling. Possums may harm your lights if they become entangled in the wiring on your roof.

Q 4 What types of possums do you remove in Kangaroo Flat? +

Ans. Our expert possum catchers Kangaroo Flat specialise in removing common brushtail possums and ringtail possums, which are the most frequently encountered possum species in Kangaroo Flat.

Q 5 How can I request a quote for possum removal in Kangaroo Flat? +

Ans. Requesting a quote for our professional possum removal Kangaroo Flat service is easy. You can reach out to us through our website or contact our customer service. We'll gather the necessary information about your possum issue and provide you with a competitive quote based on your specific needs.

Q 6 Will the possum not return to my roof? +

Ans. No, we'll patch up any existing gaps during a possum removal Kangaroo Flat procedure that it might find a way through, in addition to the ones where it's already entering.

Q 7 How do you trap and remove possums? +

Ans. Our trained technicians use humane and effective trapping methods to capture possums. Once captured, we relocate them to a suitable habitat away from your property. We prioritise the well-being of the possums and ensure a safe and ethical removal process.

Q 8 Do you offer emergency possum removal services? +

Ans. Yes, Pest Masters understands that possum issues may arise unexpectedly. We offer emergency possum removal services to address urgent situations promptly. Contact our team, and we will prioritize your case to ensure a swift resolution.

Q 9 Are your possum removal methods safe for the environment? +

Ans. Absolutely. Pest Masters employs environmentally friendly and humane possum removal methods. We prioritise the well-being of both the possums and the environment, ensuring a responsible approach to pest control.